Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Passover Perspective (part 2)

SunsetLet there be Light!
 The concept of 'get(ting) ourselves back to the Garden', is one embraced by both Christianity and Judaism (not to mention Joni Mitchell or Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young).

Imagine by Mishkan David

John Lennon Imagine
Many of us recall that lovely John Lennon song, "Imagine". It was written in an era of "love, joy, and peace" that we all think of as "the 60's". Lennon's goals were good, if somewhat misguided in the particulars. After all, the first line is, "Imagine there's no Heaven, it's easy if you try"!

CTOMC Essay Contest

CTOMC Banner
Shalom, Chaverim!
For a number of years, now, certain folks within the Messianic community have been advocating a policy of segregation. They have taken the stance that Gentiles should be excluded from Torah observance, and from visible positions within Messianic synagogues and shuls. Recently, they have released an entire website dedicated to propagating this view of division.

What is a Disciple? What is an Apostate?

wolvesinwoolThis is my entry in the CTOMC essay contest. I suppose this to be a swipe at the hornet's nest. So be it.  Well, maybe not hornets...
There is a new website that promotes the notion that Gentiles have no place in Messianic Judaism. I suppose the God of Israel and His Messiah were wrong to try and include Gentiles in Israel, in Torah observance and in Temple worship (at least according to the sponsors of this travesty).

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hi All,

Sorry about the lapse in posts. I am building a bigger and better related site which should be on line in a matter of days. Posts will continue to be pushed to this site with links to the new one. I hope that it will be a blessing to one and all.

I am also continuing in the Passover series and expect to have the next one in the series coming in about the same time frame. It will introduce you to a new Passover perspective that will involve things that you already know.

Thanks for your patience,

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Passover Perspective

I love the Passover story, every twist and turn! From Moshe being drawn out of the water and taught all the ways and wisdom of pharaoh's house in preparation for things to come - to the parting of the sea and the narrow escape of the children of Israel and the destruction of pharaoh's army, all by the mighty hand and outstretched arm of HaShem. Wow! Someone should make a movie!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Coming Soon (to a Passover Near You...)

It has been almost a week since I promised an article on the Passover. I was loathe to discover that much of my original research on this topic has been lost. So this would not be the easy cut-n-paste and quick edit that I had anticipated.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Anti Judaism? Really?

Recently, I have been accused of being anti-Judaism because of some of my statements. This assertion is patently false. Quite the opposite: I am pro Judaism. But the rumor has been started, so I must respond.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Why You Don't 'Get' the Passover...

Do you think you know the Passover? Sure you do. You've familiarized yourself with scripture and expositions authored of the anointed and notable. The Haggadah is memorized and so too, every event detail from Exodus to Execution stake, from Moshe to Messiah. You know it all by rote, right? Well, maybe not...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

If the Shoe Fits...

One of the wonderful things about a blog is that it may be used to vent...

Pet peeves are a popular device. They provide people of varied backgrounds with common ground; a foundation of like perceptions from which fraternal relations and civil discourse can prosper. But this tactic is a two-edged sword, as it also provides fodder for the not-so-civil exchanges with those that are not-so-like-minded. I perceive that this may be one of those times.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Rabbinic Authority? [UPDATE]

I have recently visited this subject in a number of places online and would like to share my conclusions on this topic. But first a blurb about how I came to them in the first place: Whether we are talking Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim or Brith Chadasha, Messiah Y'shua, Melech HaOlam, is the preeminent authority; the First and the Last Word, if you will. So in all matters, I look to His teachings first.


Shalom All,

This being my inaugural post, I will keep it short and sweet. To those that loathe the fact that anyone with a computer and internet access can post their stupid opinions for all the world to read, your worst fear has been realized. My opinions tend to go against the grain.

To David, Peter, Zion, Visionary, Lulav, Tishri and to all the many people (you know who you are) that have encouraged and taught me over these many years; to my family and my loving wife, the deep well from which I draw solace and inspiration, I offer my heartfelt thanks. I would never have entered into the blogosphere without your help and encouragement.

I dedicate this blog to my God, the God of Israel and His Messiah Y'shua; Melech HaOlam, King of the Universe. In the days to come, how ever many that I am allowed, I hope to offer a fresh perspective on scripture, observance and the faith that is Messianic Judaism - to my brethren in Messiah and to anyone that will listen. Your comments and feedback are welcomed and encouraged.

Blessings in Messiah Y'shua,

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