Shalom, Chaverim!
For a number of years, now, certain folks within the Messianic community have been advocating a policy of segregation. They have taken the stance that Gentiles should be excluded from Torah observance, and from visible positions within Messianic synagogues and shuls. Recently, they have released an entire website dedicated to propagating this view of division.
In response, CTOMC (Coalition of Torah Observant Messianic Congregations) is now sponsoring an essay-writing contest in order to solicit YOUR feedback on the topic! Simply write an essay of about 3-5 pages on the topic of unity between Jews and Gentiles in the Messianic Body.

We are looking for all approaches and perspectives on this topic. Pick any aspect that concerns you—the theology, the sociology, the prophetic call, the Biblical mandate for unity... anything you'd like to share. Just click on the image above to visit the CTOMC page that gives more details about the rules and prizes for participation.
If you still have any questions, feel free to leave a comment here, or email David Negley, of the Mishkan David Messianic Outreach.