This being my inaugural post, I will keep it short and sweet. To those that loathe the fact that anyone with a computer and internet access can post their stupid opinions for all the world to read, your worst fear has been realized. My opinions tend to go against the grain.
To David, Peter, Zion, Visionary, Lulav, Tishri and to all the many people (you know who you are) that have encouraged and taught me over these many years; to my family and my loving wife, the deep well from which I draw solace and inspiration, I offer my heartfelt thanks. I would never have entered into the blogosphere without your help and encouragement.
I dedicate this blog to my God, the God of Israel and His Messiah Y'shua; Melech HaOlam, King of the Universe. In the days to come, how ever many that I am allowed, I hope to offer a fresh perspective on scripture, observance and the faith that is Messianic Judaism - to my brethren in Messiah and to anyone that will listen. Your comments and feedback are welcomed and encouraged.
Blessings in Messiah Y'shua,
Freely you have received, freely give.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Shalom Phil! Welcome to the fray!
ReplyDeleteIt is always good to see people engage the public discussion with their ideas. We are all better off for it. May this site be a tool for provoking thought... and not merely provoking.
I look forward to seeing your ideas coming to light, and bringing light with them.
Hi David,
DeleteThanks for your, um, ringing endorsement! ROFL! No seriously, My ears are still ringing! :D I do hope my post are, um, thought provoking too; and that you will g+1, f, p, t, M and B this blog. May all our provocations be cerebral in nature and blessed by Him!
For those that are unaware, David is the talent behind the extremely popular Messianic blog, Mishkan David and the author of "EPHESIANS The View from the Mishkan", an amazingly insightful exposition of one of the most misunderstood epistles in scripture.
ReplyDelete"What he said." I use that so many times regarding your posts (and David's), I feel the line belongs to me. hehehe
Can't wait to see what you post. I know it's gonna be good.
Hi Cheri,
DeleteThanks for stopping in and commenting on the very first full day this blog has been operational. Many time when you responded to me with 'What he said", I could not help but think how much we agree on. It also made me think about, what He said. You have inspired me in many more ways than you know. It is good to have you as a true friend and a sister in Him, I know that you are not just a flatterer, but one that will share your honest opinion. I need friends like that.
Blessings Sis,
A friend of my Torah teacher, David Negley. Nice to see you blog! Wishing you the very best with it!
ReplyDeleteAmber Michelle
Thank you Amber Michelle. Your words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. As you will undoubtedly note, mine are not mainstream opinions. But I have little to fear from honest criticism. I'll look forward to your participation and insights. And yes, David is a rare jewel to have for a friend and a teacher. May you and yours abide in His blessings!
ReplyDeleteI have this saved as my favorite, as I know it will be.
ReplyDeleteVis! My heart is glad. I am gratified at the thought of your participation. Though I should warn you of the dangers of unbridled opinion! What? Who am I kidding? I must have forgotten to whom I speak! LOL! Click the HOME button and jump in!
ReplyDeleteAlright! Just signed in and saw this message, so far I like the setup!
ReplyDeleteI have considered starting my own blog at times, but I battle in my mind the issues that arise... So I am glad to see like minded having the courage to take on the task... Looking forward to the perspective you have to offer! :D
Shalom Zion!
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice to see you come take a gander, as they say. Dear brother, I hope you will help spread the word by sharing, tweeting, +1ing or whatever your social networking preference might be. I could use the help.
As I am discovering, the one thing I am consistent with is talking to myself, so a blog seemed perfect. After a decade of swinging the Messianic hammer on various Christian forums, I thought a medium where self moderation might best suit my temperament. :nudge: :wink: :nod: Now where is that blind horse anyway? :D
Thanks for the words of encouragement. They are well appreciated.
Shalom Phil!
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed reading through your latest endeavor, I think this is a wonderful venue for your talent and hope that many will visit in the days to come. I am saving your articles on Passover to days closer to the event as a treat to look forward too.
Please don't let this take up all your time, I miss you at that other place!
May HaShem Bless your word and make them fruitful as you dedicate your life and time to glorifying Him!