This Passover may very well prove to be of historic significance. The intriguing work of Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries concerning the 'blood moons' is notable; the tetrads of eclipses that brackets the Moedim would suggest that it is, should history prove a reliable witness. But even standing in witness, what does this remarkable event tell us?
In this sound-bite driven and micro-managed society, we languish like the pod-dwellers in the Matrix. The ancients knew the stars by name and inference; when to plant and reap, when to plan and when to feast. But today, little is known of the signs and seasons. We live the illusion, clad in avatars and electronic facades; breast fed on the glass teat and spoon-fed by the bit-stream. Meat is rare. Context is traced to the threshold of habit and habitation. But that which shelters us from the vagaries of life, shelters us from each other, the Creation and the Creator we would understand. Having sought to find and asked that it may be given, we hear the knock but dawdle at the Dalet, not fully able to personalize the prophetic nature of Pesach. Our frame of reference is not suitable to the similitude.
I invite you down the garden path, through the passageways of Gan Edhen, to the inception of Hag Pesach and the Person that is the Passover, "...the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world". But this time taken in it's proper context, not from Exodus to Execution stake, from Moshe to Messiah, but from Adam to Aliyah. For the blessings of the Redeemer, began with the curses of Adam and the ministry of the Redeemer began in the beginning, the place from which He declares the End.
In the coming weeks, I will begin a multi-part series on the thematic aspects of the Passover that will take us on an extraordinary journey through scripture, from Berashit to Brith Chadashah, from the Revelation of the Father in Torah, through to the Revelation of His Son; the Kinsman Redeemer, the Blood Avenger, "the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world". I promise bite-sized portions and digestible dialogue. Until then...
Chag Pesach Samech!
Freely you have received, freely give.
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