Shalom All,
This being my inaugural post, I will keep it short and sweet. To those that loathe the fact that anyone with a computer and internet access can post their stupid opinions for all the world to read, your worst fear has been realized. My opinions tend to go against the grain.
To David, Peter, Zion, Visionary, Lulav, Tishri and to all the many people (you know who you are) that have encouraged and taught me over these many years; to my family and my loving wife, the deep well from which I draw solace and inspiration, I offer my heartfelt thanks. I would never have entered into the blogosphere without your help and encouragement.
I dedicate this blog to my God, the God of Israel and His Messiah Y'shua; Melech HaOlam, King of the Universe. In the days to come, how ever many that I am allowed, I hope to offer a fresh perspective on scripture, observance and the faith that is Messianic Judaism - to my brethren in Messiah and to anyone that will listen. Your comments and feedback are welcomed and encouraged.
Blessings in Messiah Y'shua,
Freely you have received, freely give.

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