However, in the past, when I have lost studies and teachings, the process of rediscovery and research has been deeply rewarding. While this may take longer to assemble and publish than I thought, the vision of it remains. Actually writing it is another story.
As a dear friend reminded me, "Just tell 'em what you are going to tell 'em, then tell 'em and when you finish, tell 'em what you told 'em." In regards to this sage advice, I thought it prudent to establish what we already know. So you may expect a few foundational statements with which I'm sure you will be familiar.
Every journey taken together requires an agreed upon starting place. A touchstone if you will, so that knowing where we began, we might measure our progress and our place within the journey. But in clarification I would add, this is not a journey as in a linear trek where we have a traditional beginning and end. Instead this will be an exploratory adventure where we will visit many places both on and off the beaten path.
The concept I wish to convey is a little complex. I have chosen an analogy that I think will help draw all of the components together in an understandable way. But you will ultimately be the judge of this. The good news is that the first installment is almost done. I hope you will enjoy it.
Freely you have received, freely give.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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